Congratulations to the Top Winners of Lingo Quest at TDX!
We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the Lingo Quest at TDX! Your enthusiasm, dedication, and performance have made this event a memorable one. Our top participants will soon receive their rewards as a token of appreciation for their efforts and commitment to TDX.
Each winner’s prize will be deposited into their TDX wallet within the next 7 business days. For a smooth transfer process, please make sure your KYC details are fully updated.
Below is the list of the 50 top winners, along with their Twitter handles and winning amounts:
Sr. No. | User Name | Twitter Handle | Winning Amount |
1 | Aaron Smith | AlainMaclobyo9 | $500 |
2 | Oliver Johnson | _buckstar | $300 |
3 | Gary Liu | buck_nomad | $250 |
4 | Ricky Haryono Putro | ODI8P | $50 |
5 | Fahim Ahmed | FA_Fahim_Ahmed | $50 |
6 | Md Sabuj Mia | Sandhisobuj20 | $50 |
7 | Tomy Ramadhany | santokqq | $50 |
8 | Nấm Lùn | CunChoMC | $50 |
9 | Sakib Ahmed | AhahedFahim | $50 |
10 | Han Vu | dennish1211 | $50 |
11 | Gamer Lover | Creators2041 | $50 |
12 | Lukman Hakim | HakimLh973 | $50 |
13 | Tahjul Reyhan | TahjulR | $50 |
14 | Relex 9 | Rolex951890 | $15 |
15 | Fahim Bro | fahimbro666 | $15 |
16 | Alim Ali | lbankbd25 | $15 |
17 | Cakep Alano | AlanoCakep | $15 |
18 | Cryptodrop Win | tcp_user | $15 |
19 | Luu Truong | T38415310 | $15 |
20 | Laora Grey | primalq3 | $15 |
21 | Mahfud Sahroni | _mahfudsahroni | $15 |
22 | Zona Airdrop | Airdrops219 | $15 |
23 | MD ALI MUSHAN FAKIR | team4earning | $15 |
24 | Raju Maulana Eka Putra | Itsszzmee | $15 |
25 | Md Shahin | official803471 | $15 |
26 | Oppo Oppo | Ta05561846 | $15 |
27 | Andarat Andarat | andarat42 | $15 |
28 | Barkea Barkea | Barkea844 | $15 |
29 | Inkan Inkan | inkan896 | $15 |
30 | Rita Sugiarto | rumahmu16 | $15 |
31 | Tartan Tartan | tartan285 | $15 |
32 | Ssaammww Ssaammww | ssaammww5 | $15 |
33 | Joilwe Joilwe | joilwe04 | $15 |
34 | Mas Lanang | hitele7 | $15 |
35 | Jhon Deer | minjol3 | $15 |
36 | Hitam Kan | balahat35965569 | $15 |
37 | Lelah Saya | ArdhieChoulen | $15 |
38 | Bang Koplak | kertasputih135 | $15 |
39 | Milna Aprilia | Gaeyobee | $15 |
40 | Setia Rahayu | arsa_satria | $15 |
41 | Nguyen Diep | 8soccer | $15 |
42 | Erick Labe | erick_labe | $15 |
43 | Ricky Andian | rickyaja44161 | $15 |
44 | Godawill Friday | Wills_fix | $15 |
45 | Kareshi Mikuni | kareshi62 | $15 |
46 | Ajeng Permdy | AxeleTer97968 | $15 |
47 | Marisa Affsheen | MAffsheen66235 | $15 |
48 | Sakti Ali | SaktiSaktiuy | $15 |
49 | Dung Jack58 | DungJack58 | $15 |
50 | Pijush Midde | Pijush64 | $15 |
Congratulations to all the winners!
We look forward to seeing more of your accomplishments in the TDX community.
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